About Me
Dr Julia Martins (She/Her)
I am a historian of gender and medicine; I’m fascinated by the ways people thought about the body in the past and how that shapes contemporary debates. I hold a PhD in history from King’s College London. My thesis was about the translation of medical knowledge from Italian into French and English in the 16th and 17th centuries, and how the circulation of knowledge about sex and reproduction shaped the ways the body was understood. I have studied in Brazil, France, Italy, and the UK. My general research interests are cultural history and feminism.
I am an Activism Outreach Supporter with The Vavengers, and a member of the Charity Committee of the FGM Education Project. I host My Body My Book Club, a book club about bodily autonomy.
I’m Brazilian and live in Hertfordshire with my husband, our daughter Lili and our cat Pancake.