The hot cross bun, a cherished Easter symbol in the UK and worldwide, carries a tale woven through centuries, shrouded in mystique and tradition. While its origins remain clouded in history’s fog, it is said that the journey of the hot cross bun begins in the 14th century at St Albans Abbey. According to legend, Brother Thomas Rocliffe, a 14th-century …
Eostre and Easter: ‘Rebranding’ a Spring Goddess to Fit Christianity?
Have you ever wondered where the word ‘Easter’ comes from? Let me introduce you to the Germanic goddess of dawn and spring, Eostre, after whom Easter was possibly named. (Historians and folklorists are still debating this, largely due to the paucity of sources about her.) Like many other Anglo-Saxon deities, Eostre was a victim of the expansion of Christianity, as …